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mp3seznam.cz - Žádný ze zde umístěných souborů se nenachází na tomto serveru. Proto nezodpovídáme za jejich kvalitu ani za porušování autorských práv - tuto zodpovědnost nese server na který odkazujeme.
 1. BBC Schools GCSE Bitesize  Agriculture: Factors affecting farming  Geography 
 2. American Academy of Family Physicians  AAFP - How the Recession is Affecting Health Care  AAFP Public Relations 
 3. Atlanta Press Club  How Electronic Media is Affecting the Political Campaigns  Atlanta Press Club 
 4. Kandice Carter  Future Farming   
 5. Frank Key  Blogettian Farming  Hooting Yard 2005 
 6. A Produce  Farming in Arabia  Black Sands 
 7. British Council  Organic Farming  British Council 
 8. Pete Smith  Cool farming   
 9. A Produce  Farming in Arabia  Black Sands 
 10. Ezra Niesen  Chapter 12: The History of Farming  Zapatista University 
 11. Quirks & Quarks - CBC Radio  QQ-210407-01-Farming Kangaroos  Quirks & Quarks - Apr. 21, 2007 
 12. Ezra Niesen  Chapter 12: The History of Farming  Zapatista University 
 13. Crass  Sheep Farming in the Falklands  Best Before... 1984  
 14. Amateur Radio Broadcast  Pig Psychology and Modern Farming 09-28-06  http://blog.wfmu.org/ 
 15. Â©2008 by Wiley Publishing, Inc.  Hobby Farming for Dummies - Part 1  Hobby Farming for Dummies 
 16. BSP  John 4:31-38 - The Disciples Learn About Farming  Gospel of John 
 17. Stephen Clarke  How Learning Technologies Are Affecting the Design of Learning Spaces  EDUCAUSE - Annual Conference - 2005 
 18. D�ch T�nner  NES AGRICULTURE   
 19. D�CH T�nNER  Nes Agriculture   
 20. Daniel Mermet  OMC et agriculture - Jos� Bov�  10 ans d'OMC - 08 d�c 05 
 21. Four Color Manual  All The Factors Are In  My Life Or Some Dream 
 22. Dr. Colin Campbell  One Planet Agriculture#1   
 23. Robert LeFevre  First Secretary of Agriculture  Robert LeFevre Commentary 
 24. Chemical Heritage Foundation  Agriculture - Episode 40 - 9/12/08  Distillations 
 25. Dr. Colin Campbell  One Planet Agriculture#1   
 26. Paul Mcgarr  What Kind Of Agriculture Do We Want  2003 
 27. Daniel Mermet  Salon de l'agriculture - Mac Do  Salon de l’agriculture - 11 mars 04 
 28. Rob Hopkins on Transition Towns  One Planet Agriculture#4  Soil Association Annual Conference 2007 
 29. Andre Viljoen & Rob Newman  One Planet Agriculture   
 30. Andre Viljoen & Rob Newman  One Planet Agriculture   
   1 2 3 4    »
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